Health & Fitness

Tabata Kettlebell Workout

Kettlebell exercises has always been a staple in my overall workout routine. Lately I have been doing my own versions kettlebell Tabata Workouts. The main difference I found between Tabata and HIIT (high intensity interval training) is that the latter has more rest periods and is less strict. If you're going to try this workout, make sure you're prepared and have actually done some sort of HIIT before. Warm-up: 20 slow air squats, shoulder rotations 20 forward and 20 backwards, 10 push-ups. Rinse & repeat. Work-out: Perform each exercise for 20 seconds, rest for 10 and move on to the next exercise for 20 seconds then rest for 10 and so on. After 1 round, rest for 1 minute. Complete 4-5 rounds.

Warm-up: 20 slow air squats, shoulder rotations 20 forward and 20 backwards, 10 push-ups. Rinse & repeat.

Work-out: Perform each exercise for 20 seconds, rest for 10 and move on to the next exercise for 20 seconds then rest for 10 and so on. After 1 round rest for 1 minute. Complete 4-5 rounds.

-Double Ketllebell Squat/Press 20 seconds ON, 10 seconds rest

Grab 2 medium weight kettlebells and hold them up at your shoulders. Squat down with good form and on your way back up press them up. Make sure you bend down and not over. Follow the illustration.

-Double Ketllebell Lunges 20 seconds ON, 10 seconds rest

With the same weights. Hold them at your side and stand tall with relaxed shoulders. Take a step forward until your leg reaches 90 degrees and push back to the starting position then alternate legs.

-Kettlebell Deadlift 20 seconds ON, 10 seconds rest

Pick a medium- heavy kettlebell. With your feet a little more than shoulder width apart, squat down to grab the weight and come up with your shoulders back. Keep the weight close to your body. Follow the illustration.

-Kettlebell Swings 20 seconds ON, 10 seconds rest

While holding the same kettlebell, stand tall and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Lower the weight betwen your legs and explode through your hips to swing the weight upward in front of you. The weight should go as high as your chest. Follow the illustration.

-Rest 1 minute and repeat